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“The best way to get customers!”

“The best way to get customers!”


Ok so we all want customers, we all want our website and business to be the best of the best and we all want it to be that easy.

But unfortunately, it isn’t that easy. You can’t just wave a magic wand and BOOM, you’re all rich and famous. There are a few steps and procedures that have to be taken into account. And here, we’re going to tell you all how YOU can get those desires customers of yours! 

So with no further ado, let’s get right onto it:

Case studies: 

You need a “reputation” don’t you? Well how will you get it if you aren’t giving people any idea what you have done before, or what you’re capable of? So no matter how small your work is, get it out there! Even if you’re a beginner with no real experience with big stuff, show people the simple things you’ve done, maybe you helped a friend make a powerful Facebook page, maybe you wrote a fantastic blog that got you tons of comments or links or shares, whatever you’ve done, show it!

Now if there’s nothing you’ve done so far, it’s time to change that, even if it’s non-profit. here’s what you can do:

-Give “limited” charitable help: For example, a company has an event coming up. Now that event has a start and end date (which is what we mean by “limited”) So here, you could help promote that event so more people find out about it and attend. In this case you could go to that company and ask them if you can use them as a reference for something you have done. Ask them to contact you if they need you again.

-Help early-stage websites: Early stage-websites need the most help promoting their services because just like you, they aren’t well known, so offering to help them with a few stuff would be fantastic! But don’t forget to make the offer very specific (with a start-end date).

-Take on some personal work: Write your own blog and promote it, make yourself a Facebook page and put all your work on it then link it back and forth to other parts of social media, make yourself somewhat known!

- A word of notice: Remember not to accept everything given to you, you need to be careful and specific when helping promote other people’s work.

This simple method will get your name known, your services promoted and in due course, your customers! Remember to ~*have fun*~ doing this, enjoy helping other people with their work and enjoy the reward you’ll get in return. 

Getting customers is not that easy, but YOU will find the professional way with VOILA through digital marketing and social media marketing experts. Contact us today!

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